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Know the Various Causes of Squints

Squinting eyes make the sufferer seem to look in two different directions. The cause of crossed eyes is a disorder or disturbance in the eye muscles, so the position and movement of the eyeball is not normal. In the squint or strabismus, the direction of the two eyes does not appear straight or parallel. Crossed-eye disease can be experienced by anyone, but mostly occurs in children. Crossed eyes occur when the eye muscles do not work well together, so that the position and movement of the eyeball is disturbed. As a result, the brain will receive different information from each eye. If this condition is not treated, over time the problematic eye can become blind. Cross-eyed can occur from childhood or as an adult. The following is the explanation:

Causes of Squints in Children

Most cross-eyed people are born with this condition, or experience it as a child. The risk of a child suffering from squint is greater if there is a family member who also has squint. Disorders of the eye muscles that cause squinting can be caused by several conditions, such as:
  • Having paralysis of the brain or cerebral palsy.
  • Having birth defects or genetic disorders, such as Prader-Willi syndrome, Down syndrome, and Apert syndrome, which are genetic disorders that cause problems in the development of the skull, head shape, and face.
  • Born prematurely.
  • Exposed to infections, such as rubella, while in the womb.
  • Suffers from a brain tumor or hemangioma near the eye, at any time

Squints in Adults

Crossed eyes can also occur in adults due to disorders or certain diseases, including:

1. Problems with nerves and brain

Some disorders that attack the nerves and brain, such as strokes, brain tumors, hydrocephalus (accumulation of fluid in the brain), severe head injuries, and Guillain-Barré syndrome, can cause weakness or paralysis of the eye muscles, causing squinting eyes.

2. Uncorrected refraction of the eye

Visual acuity problems or eye refractive abnormalities, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, will make the eyes work extra. If the eyes have been working too hard and the disorder is not treated, then over time the eyes will become crossed.

3. Injury to the eye

Injuries that cause skull fractures near the eye, damage to the muscles or nerves of the eye, and tears in the eye muscles can cause eye squinting. These injuries often occur as a result of traffic accidents, collisions or blows to the eye, and stab wounds that affect the eye muscles.

4. Graves' Disease

Graves' disease is a type of autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid gland. People with Graves' disease not only experience problems in metabolism, but also in the eye. Graves' disease can cause bulging of the eyeball (exophthalmos), as well as damage to the muscles and nerves of the eye. This is what makes people with Graves' disease experience crossed eyes. In addition to the above diseases, several other medical conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes and botulism, can also cause squinting. Because the causes of squinting can vary, the sufferer needs to get a thorough eye doctor's examination. Once the cause of the squint is known, the eye doctor will provide appropriate treatment to overcome it. Crossed eyes can be treated with the use of special glasses or contact lenses, drugs that are dripped or injected into the eye, eye muscle exercises, and eye surgery. Cross-eye handling needs to be done immediately to prevent permanent damage to the eye.


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